by bloodvitality | Dec 8, 2023 | Optimize Absorption
How do you make the most of your iron infusion and minimize the side effects? We know that iron infusions carry a much higher risk than oral iron, yet they are recommended often by medical professionals right out of the gate for low iron levels. Many patients have...
by bloodvitality | Dec 8, 2023 | Optimize Absorption
Iron deficiency can cause weight gain due to lower metabolic rate and overall lethargy leading to less physical activity but so too can iron infusions. Iron like many essential nutrients in the human body has two sides to its story. On the one hand we need optimal...
by bloodvitality | Jun 12, 2021 | Optimize Absorption
Are you suffering from heart palpitations, fatigue, hair loss, anxiety, yet you are doing all of the ‘healthy things’ like eating right and exercising and you can’t figure out what’s going with your body? Maybe you’re pregnant, a Mom...
by bloodvitality | Mar 31, 2021 | Blog, Optimize Absorption
Patients are often recommended iron infusions because they cannot tolerate oral iron due to side effects, extremely low iron levels or in an emergency from acute blood loss. In my own clinic, I used to utilize iron infusions to help patients with anemia or low...
by bloodvitality | Dec 31, 2020 | Optimize Absorption
The most vulnerable group for ferritin deficiency in my practice is teenage girls. Though iron deficiency is a worldwide problem affecting all ages and sexes, over and over again, I see young ladies who are struggling with depression, lack of motivation, fatigue,...
by bloodvitality | Dec 18, 2020 | Optimize Absorption
You get your blood work back and are told you are iron deficient. You have no energy, can’t focus, can’t remember things, have headaches, weakness, easy bruising and all you need is to get your iron stores up to remedy your situation. Your doctor recommends ferrous...