Iron Infusions and Weight Gain

Iron Infusions and Weight Gain

Iron deficiency can cause weight gain due to lower metabolic rate and overall lethargy leading to less physical activity but so too can iron infusions. Iron like many essential nutrients in the human body has two sides to its story.  On the one hand we need optimal...
Iron and Vaccine Efficacy

Iron and Vaccine Efficacy

Considering the current vaccine campaign that has injected 7.35 billion humans, I think it is more than reasonable to consider adjusting health parameters to make sure people who are receiving these shots have the best possible outcome. Obesity, diabetes and a general...
Why Pregnancy Requires More Iron

Why Pregnancy Requires More Iron

Having witnessed my wife birth 6 children there is no doubt that the pregnancy and birthing process is a complete miracle. That said, there are many things we have learned and experienced that can make pregnancy and the months following birth much more enjoyable. In...